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In JSON mode, LlamaParse will return a data structure representing the parsed object.


For Json mode, you need to use loadJson. The resultType is automatically set with this method. More information about indexing the results on the next page.

const reader = new LlamaParseReader();
async function main() {
// Load the file and return an array of json objects
const jsonObjs = await reader.loadJson("../data/uber_10q_march_2022.pdf");
// Access the first "pages" (=a single parsed file) object in the array
const jsonList = jsonObjs[0]["pages"];
// Further process the jsonList object as needed.


The result format of the response, written to jsonObjs in the example, follows this structure:

"pages": [ objects..
"job_metadata": {
"credits_used": int,
"credits_max": int,
"job_credits_usage": int,
"job_pages": int,
"job_is_cache_hit": boolean
"job_id": string ,
"file_path": string,

Page objects

Within page objects, the following keys may be present depending on your document.

  • page: The page number of the document.
  • text: The text extracted from the page.
  • md: The markdown version of the extracted text.
  • images: Any images extracted from the page.
  • items: An array of heading, text and table objects in the order they appear on the page.

JSON Mode with SimpleDirectoryReader

All Readers share a loadData method with SimpleDirectoryReader that promises to return a uniform Document with Metadata. This makes JSON mode incompatible with SimpleDirectoryReader.

However, a simple work around is to create a new reader class that extends LlamaParseReader and adds a new method or overrides loadData, wrapping around JSON mode, extracting the required values, and returning a Document object.

import { LlamaParseReader, Document } from "llamaindex";

class LlamaParseReaderWithJson extends LlamaParseReader {
// Override the loadData method
override async loadData(filePath: string): Promise<Document[]> {
// Call loadJson method that was inherited by LlamaParseReader
const jsonObjs = await super.loadJson(filePath);
let documents: Document[] = [];

jsonObjs.forEach((jsonObj) => {
// Making sure it's an array before iterating over it
if (Array.isArray(jsonObj.pages)) {
const docs =
(page: { text: string; page: number }) =>
new Document({ text: page.text, metadata: { page: } }),
documents = documents.concat(docs);
return documents;

Now we have documents with page number as metadata. This new reader can be used like any other and be integrated with SimpleDirectoryReader. Since it extends LlamaParseReader, you can use the same params.

You can assign any other values of the JSON response to the Document as needed.

API Reference