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A RAG agent that does math

In our third iteration of the agent we've combined the two previous agents, so we've defined both sumNumbers and a QueryEngineTool and created an array of two tools:

// define the query engine as a tool
const tools = [
new QueryEngineTool({
queryEngine: queryEngine,
metadata: {
name: "san_francisco_budget_tool",
description: `This tool can answer detailed questions about the individual components of the budget of San Francisco in 2023-2024.`,
FunctionTool.from(sumNumbers, {
name: "sumNumbers",
description: "Use this function to sum two numbers",
parameters: {
type: "object",
properties: {
a: {
type: "number",
description: "First number to sum",
b: {
type: "number",
description: "Second number to sum",
required: ["a", "b"],

These tool descriptions are identical to the ones we previously defined. Now let's ask it 3 questions in a row:

let response = await{
"What's the budget of San Francisco for community health in 2023-24?",

let response2 = await{
"What's the budget of San Francisco for public protection in 2023-24?",

let response3 = await{
"What's the combined budget of San Francisco for community health and public protection in 2023-24?",

We'll abbreviate the output, but here are the important things to spot:

toolCall: {
id: 'call_ZA1LPx03gO4ABre1r6XowLWq',
name: 'san_francisco_budget_tool',
input: { query: 'community health budget 2023-2024' }
toolResult: {
tool: QueryEngineTool {
queryEngine: [RetrieverQueryEngine],
metadata: [Object]
input: { query: 'community health budget 2023-2024' },
output: 'The proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 budget for the Department of Public Health is $3.2 billion

This is the first tool call, where it used the query engine to get the public health budget.

toolCall: {
id: 'call_oHu1KjEvA47ER6HYVfFIq9yp',
name: 'san_francisco_budget_tool',
input: { query: 'public protection budget 2023-2024' }
toolResult: {
tool: QueryEngineTool {
queryEngine: [RetrieverQueryEngine],
metadata: [Object]
input: { query: 'public protection budget 2023-2024' },
output: "The budget for Public Protection in San Francisco for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 is $2,012.5 million."

In the second tool call, it got the police budget also from the query engine.

toolCall: {
id: 'call_SzG4yGUnLbv1T7IyaLAOqg3t',
name: 'sumNumbers',
input: { a: 3200, b: 2012.5 }
toolResult: {
tool: FunctionTool { _fn: [Function: sumNumbers], _metadata: [Object] },
input: { a: 3200, b: 2012.5 },
output: '5212.5',
isError: false

In the final tool call, it used the sumNumbers function to add the two budgets together. Perfect! This leads to the final answer:

message: {
content: 'The combined budget of San Francisco for community health and public protection in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 is $5,212.5 million.',
role: 'assistant',
options: {}

Great! Now let's improve accuracy by improving our parsing with LlamaParse.