

A transformation is something that takes a list of nodes as an input, and returns a list of nodes. Each component that implements the Transformation class has both a transform definition responsible for transforming the nodes.

Currently, the following components are Transformation objects:

Usage Pattern

While transformations are best used with with an IngestionPipeline, they can also be used directly.

import { SentenceSplitter, TitleExtractor, Document } from "llamaindex";
async function main() {
  let nodes = new SentenceSplitter().getNodesFromDocuments([
    new Document({ text: "I am 10 years old. John is 20 years old." }),
  const titleExtractor = new TitleExtractor();
  nodes = await titleExtractor.transform(nodes);
  for (const node of nodes) {

Custom Transformations

You can implement any transformation yourself by implementing the TransformComponent.

The following custom transformation will remove any special characters or punctuation in text.

import { TransformComponent, TextNode } from "llamaindex";
export class RemoveSpecialCharacters extends TransformComponent {
  async transform(nodes: TextNode[]): Promise<TextNode[]> {
    for (const node of nodes) {
      node.text = node.text.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, "");
    return nodes;

These can then be used directly or in any IngestionPipeline.

import { IngestionPipeline, Document } from "llamaindex";
async function main() {
  const pipeline = new IngestionPipeline({
    transformations: [new RemoveSpecialCharacters()],
  const nodes = await pipeline.run({
    documents: [
      new Document({ text: "I am 10 years old. John is 20 years old." }),
  for (const node of nodes) {

API Reference

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