

const defaultFaithfulnessTextQaPrompt: PromptTemplate<readonly ["context", "query"], string[], "\nPlease tell if a given piece of information\nis supported by the context.\nYou need to answer with either YES or NO.\nAnswer YES if any of the context supports the information, even\nif most of the context is unrelated.\nSome examples are provided below.\n\nInformation: Apple pie is generally double-crusted.\nContext: An apple pie is a fruit pie in which the principal filling\ningredient is apples.\nApple pie is often served with whipped cream, ice cream\n('apple pie à la mode'), custard or cheddar cheese.\nIt is generally double-crusted, with pastry both above\nand below the filling; the upper crust may be solid or\nlatticed (woven of crosswise strips).\nAnswer: YES\nInformation: Apple pies tastes bad.\nContext: An apple pie is a fruit pie in which the principal filling\ningredient is apples.\nApple pie is often served with whipped cream, ice cream\n('apple pie à la mode'), custard or cheddar cheese.\nIt is generally double-crusted, with pastry both above\nand below the filling; the upper crust may be solid or\nlatticed (woven of crosswise strips).\nAnswer: NO\nInformation: {query}\nContext: {context}\nAnswer:\n">

Defined in: llamaindex/src/evaluation/prompts.ts:76